Revd Adrian Argile - Regional Minister - Team Leader
Revd David Ellis - Regional Minister
Revd Neil Le Tissier - Regional Minister
Each Regional Minister aims to develop strong links with ministers and churches in their area. The Regional Minister - Team Leader, Adrian Argile has special responsibility for Settlement.
Association Administrator & Company Secretary
Ms. Karen Martindale (full time, Monday – Friday)
Administration & Communications Officer
Ms. Sharon Jones (Monday – Thursday)
Safeguarding Officer
Keith Baldwin (Wednesday all day and other days as required)
Interim Finance Manager
Mr Tom Russell (Tuesday – Thursday)
Bookkeeper / Accountant / Administrator
Mrs. Divine Kekozukunia (Tuesday – Thursday)
Mrs. Pam Yorke

Revd Adrian Argile
Adrian is the team leader and oversees the strategy of the Association. In particular he serves the churches in the Black Country and most of the churches in Worcestershire and has responsibility for settlement of ministers and churches across the Association.
Adrian worked for NatWest for 9 years before entering ministry and over 20 years he pastored two churches in Lancashire (Leyland and Kay Street, Rawtenstall) before moving to HEBA as Regional Minister in 2007. He was made team leader in 2014.
Adrian is married to Pam who worked for Operational Mobilisation for 8 years as well as being trained as a teacher. They have four children and three grandchildren.
Adrian hopes to bring 'encouragement, challenge, stimulus, passion, God’s Word and a listening ear to fellow ministers and church congregations' and he desires to see strong healthy churches. His other interests are mainly in the sporting arena - table tennis and golf top the bill!
You can contact Adrian at:

Revd Neil Le Tissier
Born and raised on the Island of Guernsey, Neil was first a teacher and then retrained as an accountant, working in the world of offshore trust and corporate management. Following his call into ministry, he moved with his wife and daughter to London in order to train at Spurgeon’s College.
He has served as minister of a church in S.E. London, and as Pastoral Team Leader of Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church. Neil serves as Regional Minister of the churches of South Birmingham, Solihull, Coventry, Herefordshire and Warwickshire.
To relax, Neil enjoys hill-walking, reading, fishing, golf and D.I.Y.
You can contact Neil at:

Revd David Ellis
Born in Wolverhampton, David’s parents came to England from Jamaica and they are his heroes; he is incredibly proud to have a Jamaican heritage and to be a Wulfrunian.
35 years ago, he gave his life to the Lord on a youth weekend and he’s never looked back. He and Vivienne met at London Bible College, have been married for over 30 years and have three beautiful grown up children and one granddaughter.
Before becoming a Regional Minister, David had been a Pastor for 24 years in two amazing churches, Totterdown in Bristol and Small Heath Baptist Church, where he has seen many miracles, great and small. He believes his main role as a Regional Minister is to encourage and support churches and pastors to grow healthy churches, primarily in his groups - North Birmingham, Shropshire and Staffordshire.
David loves laughing with his family – it’s how he relaxes, alongside going fishing on his days off. He loves playing music and writing songs, is a qualified Cricket Umpire and he reads James Patterson every other book.
You can contact David at:

Mr. Tom Russell
Tom is our Interim Finance Manager.
You can contact Tom at:

Ms. Sharon Jones
Sharon holds qualifications in public relations and business administration and spent many years in the advertising industry before making a decision to transfer those skills to working for the Bible Society of the West Indies until her call to return home to the UK.
She has held management positions in the NHS and has worked for several Christian organisations.
Sharon wants to build on how the Association does things operationally as well as explore new ways of improving how we communicate with our churches.
Sharon enjoys writing devotions and playing scrabble. She is in membership at Small Heath Baptist Church.
You can contact Sharon at:

Ms. Karen Martindale
Karen was born in Guyana, coming to the UK as a small child. She is the Administrator and Company Secretary of HEBA having joined the staff of the Association as Secretary/PA in 1989. Prior to that she worked in the voluntary sector (housing, care of offenders and those at risk of offending) after graduating from the University of London.
She has served as trustee of a variety of charities including an arts charity and an eco-activity centre, and as a School Governor. She currently serves Chair of Governors of the Northern Baptist College, Chair of Directors of the Baptist Union Corporation and is the Treasurer of Highgate Baptist Church, Birmingham. She supports the community cinema in her part of Birmingham in bringing film to local venues.
You can contact Karen at:

Keith Baldwin
Keith was born in Portsmouth and brought up in London in a non-Christian household. He went straight from school into a career in the printing industry. He has also worked as a Family Support Worker and most recently as Head of House in a Secondary School managing behaviour, attendance and academic progress. This followed 3 years as Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
In 1997 Keith relocated to Hereford, where he lives with his grown-up son who he raised on his own.
Keith is currently a Deacon at Putson Baptist Church. He also serves as Worship Leader and Safeguarding Lead. Keith has a real passion for music and plays the guitar in a band.
You can contact Keith at: or

Mrs. Divine Kekozukunia AICB
Divine was born and raised in a Christian family with origins in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Her 16 years living in Britain include periods in education and raising her family. She is an Association Accounting Technician [AAT] and holds a Business Enterprise BA [Hons] degree, though her professional career was halted when she became a mother of three children.
Before joining HEBA as Bookkeeper/Accountant/Administrator, Divine worked for British Heart Foundation, Thornton’s and FLT Training. She is in membership at George Road Baptist Church, Erdington, where she serves as assistant to the Treasurer, supporting the church with bookkeeping, accounting and administration.
Divine is delighted to join the HEBA team and will do her best to help the Association and churches to the best of her abilities.
She enjoys travelling, shopping, listening to gospel music and socialising.
You can contact Divine at: