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Ethnomusicology workshop
26th February 2018 - 27th February 2018
. “Ethnomusicologyis the study of music in its cultural context. All ethnomusicologists take a global approach tomusic and understand music as social practice shaped by its context. Forchurches working multi-culturally, or in areas of religious diversity,examining different worship styles, use of instruments, etc can be useful forengaging with a wider constituency. This workshop will be run by MargaretGibbs (ex-BMS mission worker; currently minister at Perry Rise Baptist Churchin London). Everyone is invited – especially worship leaders and worshipgroup musicians. You don’t need to be able to carry a tune, but it mighthelp! These two mornings are entirely free, although there is theoption of staying for lunch on both days. The cost is £7.50 per person permeal. If people are interested, please contact pgrasham@bmsworldmission.orgsimply so that he can keep track of numbers and, if meals are required, ifthere are any dietary requirements.