HEBA’s trustees have re-opened the HEBA Loan Fund!
The object of the Fund is “the advancement of the Christian religion by making loans to Baptist churches within the association, for the purpose of assisting with the financing of:
- new building projects for church purposes
- the purchase of buildings for church purposes
- extensions or major Structural repairs for church buildings and manses, and
- alterations to church buildings and manses”
Terms of the loans:
Interest: base rate minus 1%, minimum interest 1%
Amount: - Minimum £25,001 Maximum per application £200k; we fund match 50% with applicant covering the remaining 50%
Term: Maximum of 10 years
The board of trustees will consider exceptional cases and may override the terms above where deemed necessary.
Applications: The application process and forms will be loaded onto this page soon.
Competitive rates are available on deposits and applied to any amount. Please allow up to one week for the funds to reach your church bank account.
Information on loans to churches which are available from other parts of the Baptist Family is available here.
Summary of grants available, including how to apply, please click here.

Property – Change of policy
HEBA has been blessed with considerable resources in recent years which have enabled churches to be supported with mission grants, loans for buildings and in a few cases, the purchase of property for mission purposes. It has been a privilege to be generous in this way! However, resources are finite and when the Trustees recently reviewed HEBA’s finances, they felt that in order to safeguard the ability to support mission among the churches, HEBA can no longer support loans towards or investments in property in the same manner. To this end, the Trustees have agreed that:
- Apart from those investments and projects already agreed, lending for the purchase or improvement of property should cease.
- That the Association will direct applicants for property related loans to the Baptist Union Loan Fund which can give loans of between £25K and £1m for the purchase of property and to the Baptist Building Fund which has available maximum loans of £250K for a variety of building related purposes.
As with all financial policy, this decision will be subject to periodic review and churches will be informed if lending for property related matters becomes appropriate once more.
1 March 2019