Is God calling you? I pray that God is calling each and every one of us and that we are in the place God has for us. As Baptists, we stand for ‘every member ministry’ and that God wants to fulfill His purposes through all of us. When we follow Jesus, He wants us to be open to His leading and guiding in all that we do. Consequently, whether we are working in the church or elsewhere, in a factory or an office, for NHS or an educational establishment, in a public-sector job or for a private firm, in paid employment or at home, working for yourself or for someone else, Jesus wants to be central. We are first and foremost followers of Jesus and this affects our thinking, attitude, values, speech and behaviour.
In saying this, God at times calls us from our places of work and sets us aside more particularly for His ministry. Are you sensing God is calling you to something else? Overseas, pioneering, evangelism, preaching, Baptist ministry, something else? If ‘yes’, then ‘Explore Call’ is for you. On 11 Nov a morning has been set aside to share stories of what God is doing in this country and abroad and an opportunity to take time to talk, pray and seek God together. We will be sharing the morning with our partner Association, East Midlands, BMS, Urban Expression and Bristol Baptist College. Please see the attachment for further details.
Not only does God call us individually, but He calls churches to particularly ministries as well. We would love to hear all that God is doing, new or old, where you are seeing God at work. Please pass on your stories to your Regional Minister.
As an Association team, we would value your prayers for Alison following her diagnosis for breast cancer and for Divine following her appointment as book-keeper. Divine will initially be working 3 days a week and prayerfully we will be in a position to offer book-keeping services to churches early next year.
Revd Adrian Argile