Revd Esther Gladwish (pictured) is Moderator of the Disability Justice Task Group. Here is the text of an address she gave at our Minister’s Conference in February 2024 about our theme.
“For our next season of the Disability Justice Hub we would like churches to Pay Attention to people with long term illnesses and disabilities by listening to peoples stories.
How can we get to really know and gain some understanding of someone’s disability? Pay Attention How can we make sure that we are providing an accessible space in our churches and services for all peoples? Pay Attention
The answer is getting to Pay Attention and to get to know people. And what better way to start but hearing their story. Let’s not be scared to ask some important questions and then to really listen to the answers. Pay Attention Tell me about yourself? What is important to you? How can we make the church space and services accessible and comfortable for you?
When we Pay Attention we notice the person who can not lift a heavy earthenware mug and needs a lighter China mug. We notice the person who can’t read the fancy font we’ve used on our power point. We notice the person who doesn’t seem to understand jokes or idioms. We notice the person who is always holding onto furniture as they travel round the church. Let’s Pay Attention to peoples needs.
I think we need to except that not all people consider themselves to have a disability. Some people consider themselves perfectly made by God in a different way to others. And rather than looking at someone’s disability maybe we should look at someone’s ab it up, so,, and thank you Olivia glacial our ility.
For you created my inmost being; coming where
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139
God creates us all different. With all kinds of abilities and gifts.
In the 2012 London Paralympics our athletes where known as superhumans, because they celebrated how fast they were, or how good they were at their sport, rather than focusing on what they could not do. They were amazing humans who did these amazing sporting things despite the obstacles that were in front of them. Superhumans!
People with disabilities have many obstacles to over come but live lives full of ambition and excitement. God created them and gives them abilities and gifts. Rather than us paying attention to the things they cannot do we should be helping to remove obstacles so we can Pay Attention to the amazing things they can do. What would church look like if we had this attitude. A wheelchair user welcoming people at the church door. Neurodiverse person reading scripture or leading prayers. A deaf person leading worship. A blind person leading communion. A church which is completely diverse, excepting, loving, caring, equal. Once we understand each other’s skills and gifts then we can help them serve and belong. To belong is to be excepted and loved and this is what Jesus teaches us to do.
Next time you see a person that you think is disabled do not feel sorry for them or think you have a duty to pray for them. Rather Pay Attention to their needs, support and make changes to your building or space and change your way of thinking and celebrate their abilities. Before you pray for anyone do not assume they want healing, ask them what they would like you to pray for and never put your hands on someone, even in prayer, before asking them first.
Let’s Pay Attention!”