Our purpose is to grow healthy churches – stimulating and assisting the region's Baptist churches for their God-given task of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. In pursuit of this, we are driven by the pursuit of five values we wish to see exhibited across the Association as we engage in God's mission:
Walking with and watching over each other is the very definition of associating. The regional team make the care of ministers and churches their first priority. Ministers are connected and accountable to each other, while churches are committed to building relationships with each other and to living empathetically in their locality. The regional team and trustees are determined to be similarly approachable and supportive in their working together.
A heart and spirit of generosity is encouraged throughout HEBA. We look for reasons to say 'yes' to working in partnership with each other, whether through advice or support offered by the regional team; project funding given by the grants group; resources shared between one church and another; or the serving of the local community by each HEBA church. Generosity makes a priority of those with less so that there is equality of opportunity for all those seeking to join God's mission.
We share a common purpose in growing God's kingdom, yet celebrate the reality that in Christ we are a diverse mix of people, communities, context and approach. We respectfully explore our diversity in ethnicity and culture; in theological position and style of worship; in age profile and size of congregation. When we disagree, we do not allow difference to stand in the way of grace and mercy.
We further our understanding of God and his heart for our world by encouraging dialogue, study and reflection among our ministers, regional team and churches that nurtures and provokes spiritual growth and development. We challenge any barriers to learning, whatever their basis. We encourage and facilitate continued ministerial development for all ministers.
Contemporary culture demands a broad and imaginative approach to ministry and mission. We encourage and facilitate churches and ministers to seek and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit into new ways of being church, and towards creativity in their sharing of Jesus' love.
A PowerPoint presentation of the above is available. Please click here to download.